
Data Science Certificate Program

Data Science and Engineering (DSE) Certificate

Data science analyzes big and complex data and extracts knowledge and insight for use in a broad range of applications. The goal is to create data centric solutions to scientific, social, or business questions. Data science deals with data collection, storage, integration, analysis, modeling, inference, communication, and ethics. It involves obtaining, wrangling, curating, managing, processing, and exploring data. It defines questions, analyzes data, and communicates the results.

DSE certificate aims at training interested Bilkent University undergraduate students with data science skills and getting them ready for taking data science related jobs. Students taking the required number of courses from three course pools and getting a letter grade B or better from each course are awarded with the DSE certificate.

Students awarded with the certificate will be capable of making good judgments and decisions in problems involving large data sets and use appropriate tools effectively to draw key conclusions. They will become competent in

  • collecting and preparing data for analysis,
  • setting up, operating, and managing big data systems,
  • doing and coordinating the data analysis, statistical modeling, computational modeling, and machine learning,
  • solving data-driven problems with appropriate algorithmic approach and software,
  • data visualization and outputs of data analysis,
  • supporting data driven decision making, uncovering the stories buried in data. 


The coursework required for the certificate span mathematical, computational, and statistical foundations of data analytics, data management and curation, data description and visualization, data modeling and assessment, workflow and reproducibility, communication and teamwork, domain specific considerations, and awareness of ethical problems.

Application for the Certificate

The students who satisfy the requirements of DSE Certificate should fill out the following application letter and submit it to his/her department.

DSE Certificate Application Letter (.docx)
DSE Certificate Application Letter in English (.docx)

The Certificate Courses

To get the certificate, a student must complete a total of at least six courses from the lists below with the indicated number of courses from each of three sets, with a grade of B or better from all six courses. 

Data Science and Engineering Certificate Sample

Set 1: General Foundations for Data Science

(One or two courses)

CS 281 Computer and Data OrganizationCS 353 Database SystemsCS 426 Parallel ComputingCS 471 Numerical Methods

CS 473 Algorithms I

EEE 361 Linear Algebra in Data Analysis and Machine Learning

EEE 424 Digital Signal Processing

EEE 533 Random Processes

IE 411 Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization

IE 421 Introduction to Stochastic Processes

MATH 260 Introduction to Statistics

ME 361 Numerical Methods for Engineers


Set 1 includes courses that provide mathematical, programming and data systems foundations and computational thinking principles for data science.

Set 2: Statistical, Computational, and Algorithmic Foundations, Models, Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis

(One to three courses)

GE 461 Introduction to Data ScienceCS 433 Information Retrieval SystemsCS 461 Artificial IntelligenceCS 464 Introduction to Machine Learning

CS 478 Computational Geometry

EEE 443 Neural Networks

EEE 448 Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming

EEE 485 Statistical Learning and Data Analytics

IE 451 Applied Data Analysis

IE 452 Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Data Analysis

IE 456 Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming

IE 486 Computational Optimization

IE 553 Applied Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis

IE 586 Computational Optimization

MATH 465 Mathematical Foundations of Data Science

ME 503 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering


Set 2 includes courses about foundations of data analysis and analytics,  statistical and mathematical models, tools, and computational techniques for data science.

Set 3: Applications and Advanced Topics in Data Science

(One to three courses)

CS 425 Algorithms for Web-scale DataCS 429 Dynamic and Social Network AnalysisCS 443 Cloud ComputingCS 477 Biometrics

CS 481 Bioinformatics Algorithms

CS 483 Natural Language Processing

CS 484 Introduction to Computer Vision

CS 485 Deep Generative Networks

CS 550 Machine Learning

CS 551 Pattern Recognition

CS 553 Intelligent Data Analysis

CS 554 Computer Vision

CS 558 Data Mining

CS 559 Deep Learning

EEE 482 Computational Neuroscience

EEE 486 Statistical Foundations of Natural Language Processing

EEE 525 Advanced Signal Processing

IE 468 Pricing and Revenue Optimization

IE 469 Industrial Applications of Operations Research

MAN 456 Business Analytics


Set 3 includes courses about applications, different domains, and more advances topics related with data science.