
Summer Training

You may contact the following administrative assistants by email for matters regarding about Summer Training application process

Mr. İlkan Sara Phone:        +90 (312) 290 2354 

Mrs. Gizem Ballı Phone:    +90 (312) 290 1261

Email: mfstaj@bilkent.edu.tr

 For other matters regarding 
  • Departmental policies
  • Company approvals
  • Training on-line or abroad
  • What to expect from summer training
  • Summer practice reports
  • etc.

you need to contact the Department coordinators or Department administrative assistants


STS Instructions

Summer Training System instructions.

Summer Training Information (2024)

A document that summarizes the rules, regulations, and the application process of the Summer Training program.

Summer Training Presentation (2024)

This presentation is a summary of the Information document and the Frequently Asked Questions.

Company and Student Information Form for State Contribution

A Company may request State Contribution for the Summer Training of a student due to a possible payment done to the student. This can be requested from the State through the University. For this, the Company needs to fill and send a form to the Dean’s Office after the Training. This form is entitled as “Company and Student Information Form for State Contribution”. A student can download and present this form to the Company during her/his Training.

Mandatory Summer Training Requirement (English – 2024) 

A document which indicates that the students need to complete two mandatory summer training programs each of which should be at least 20 working days. Such documents are generally requested by foreign companies or  universities.

Zorunlu 20 İş Günü Yazısı (Türkçe – 2024)

Öğrencilerin toplam iki, herbiri 20 işgünden az olmayacak şekilde zorunlu staj yaptıklarına ait yazı.

Zorunlu Sigorta Yazısı (Türkçe – 2024)

Zorunlu staj döneminde iş kazası ve meslek hastalığı sigortasının Üniversite tarafından yapıldığına dair yazı.

Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions for Summer Training.